Premium Market Analysis, Trader Education, Software, and Trading Strategies. Thirty Years Of Skin In The Game


Thank you for your fantastic work and sharing your insights.


thank you again for all you do for the community; and more specifically- non-charlatan approach and telling it how it is. Your premium posts are always insightful.


I am really impressed with the subscription to your Price Action Lab Blog….


You blog is a gold mine. Thank you!


… very happy with the content on the site.

-Juan Rafael

I have found your books and articles to be indispensable to my understanding of trading…


Free book, Profitability and Systematic Trading, is very insightful! Highly recommend going to the website and downloading it for yourself

J.B. in Twitter

Thanks very much, love your work, very eye opening


I would like to congratulate you for the eight years and also thank you for what I have learned. I know that behind every post there are years of study and experience


…grateful thanks for your thoughts and teachings


Thanks for all the excellent, free content. You have definitely raised the bar.


I thought you might want to know that your books and blog posts provide real practical value to some of us…Recently a manager presented a strategy to me that looked interesting. The backtest was predictably outstanding, … But your recent post on the conundrum of tactical investing enabled me to see that all of the outperformance came in the early period of the backtest,… So, thank you for the education. 


I am working my way through your blog bit by bit….thanks for making the information and concepts available.


Thanks for your insights…


Love your blog;  learning a ton.


…keep up the awesome work!


I just want to let you know I’m a huge fan of Price Action Lab.  


First and foremost let me congratulate (and say thanks) on a fantastic site. You have put a lot of effort into educating people and placing great content on there!


I just wanted to say thank you for your blog. You are one of the few people who is not blinded by narrative or deceived by mathematical slight-of-hand. I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time and I now look forward to them. You have strong opinions even if unpopular but you make a lot of sense. Keep up the good work – and thank you!


Hello Michael, I read your articles every day. I have learned so much from you it is incredible and all for free… All I can say is, thank you for giving me the opportunity to read your work.The privilege of doing so is all mine. Once again, thank you.

– Roger

I want to thank you for your great blog; it gave me tons of new ideas and some powerful insights.


Thank you – btw – I look at the markets completely differently now – thanks to your web site

– Greg

In the absence of formal training, I have succumbed to these mistakes and navigating through this complex maze that is a quant approach is an immense and fastidious task… It appears paramount that one should question the validity and accuracy of most posts detailing the importance and performance of patterns/events/strategies. Thus far, I have found your posts as the only method out there to do just that. Thank you sir.

– Herman

Hi Mike – I love your style and articles!  I have been following along as you mention market systems, anomalies and other things that no longer work.

– Matt

Hi Michael, Thank you for the great posts. I am a retail trader and was under the spell of TA for years… Thanks for all you put on the blog once again.

– Jim